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Sternberg Lab Homepage  /  Lab Resources

Lab Resources

You can find information about ordering supplies for the lab, group meetings, lab jobs, and more!

Sternberg Lab Mailing Address:

Lab Ordering

Before you place an order for lab supplies, please check this spreadsheet to see if an order has been placed in the last month. If an order has not been placed, please fill out the Google Form found here to place a new order.

Please note - if you take the last box/bottle, ect. of ANY lab supply, you MUST place a new order.

Strain and Reagent Requests

To request a published strain or reagent, please email Barbara Perry and read this message. All requests for unpublished strains or reagents need to go through Paul Sternberg.

How to...

Send a request for Barbara to freeze strains? Click on this message for more info. The strain collection can be accessed here.

Pour plates using the PourMatic? View this tutorial now.

Create labels for solution bottles? This file will help make labeling the bottles easier. Each label can be found alphabetically, and will self-populate with the current date. The date can also be changed to a past date if needed. Select the desired label page, and hit print. Label sheets can be found next to the printer in the lounge. Instructions on setting up the printer to print the labels can be found here.

Do you need to ship something outside the US? The International Shipping form can be found here.

Reserve a conference room in Chen? Please email BBE Rooms. For same day conference reservations, you may use the touch screens outside each conference room.


The protocol for C. elegans transgenesis can be found here.

The extrachromosomal array integration protocol can be found here.

Click here for single worm PCR protocol.

For the worm DNA prep protocol, click here.

Need to order strains from the CGC?  Click here for instructions.