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cGAL Project

We are slowly expandibg the GAL4-UAS system adapted for C. elegans, cGAL and split cGAL, to develop community-wide reagents. Our goal is to create drivers that access all 302 hermaphrodite neurons and all male-specific neurons. The driver strains are created by selecting a single promoter, cGAL, or two intersecting promoters, split cGAL, expressed in the neuron to target specificity. Researchers can then cross the drivers with UAS effector strains, to produce progeny that will express the desired neuron/cell-specific gene expression. Our list of effectors contains inhibitors, reporter genes, neurotoxins, and others to facilitate future exploration.

As of now, we have developed drivers that can access various types of the 302 hermaphroditic neurons, such as sensory (52% completed), motor, interneurons, and polymodal neurons. We have also started the endeavor of creating drivers for male-specific neurons. Below we have listed a table of available drivers. The table includes the neuron name, which promoter/s were used, and driver strain name(s). The effector table includes the gene, its intended use, and effector strain name(s).

Strains are available upon request, for correspondence, you can email Paul orWilber

cGAL Drivers as of 9/22/23

Effector Strains as of 9/22/23